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Bridged Heterocyclic Systems
Rule B-15. Hetero Bridges 
15.1 - A hetero polycyclic system that contains an "ortho-fused" or an "ortho- and peri-fused" system according to Rule
A-21 or B-3 and has one or more atomic bridges is named as an "ortho-fused" or "ortho- and peri-fused" system. The atomic bridges are then
indicated by prefixes as exemplified in the annexed Table or by Rule A-31.4. The name of a bridge containing hetero atoms is constructed from units beginning with the terminal atom that
occurs first in Table B-I, the final "o" of a prefix being elided before a vowel in a following prefix; to illustrate this, the formulae in the annexed Table are arranged from left to
right in the same order as the prefixes. If bridges of different types are present, they are cited in alphabetical order. For examples see Rule B-15.2.
Azimino |
Azo |
Biimino |
Epidioxy |
Epidithio |
Epithio |
Epithioximino |
Epoxy (see also Rule C212.2) |
Epoxyimino |
Epoxynitrilo |
Epoxythio |
Epoxythioxy |
Furano (usually 3,4) |
Imino (see also Rule C815.2) |
Nitrilo |
15.2 - Systems described in Rule B-15.1 are numbered according to the principles set forth in Rules A-34.1 and A-34.2 for
compounds containing hydrocarbon bridges. In the name of the complete compound, the name of the bridge is preceded by two locants, that for the unit cited first in a composite bridge preceding that
for the other end of the bridge. Radicals derived from the polycyclic systems described in Rule B-15.1 are formed by the principles set forth in Rule B-5.




See Recommendations'93 R-9.2.1

This HTML reproduction of Sections A, B and C of IUPAC "Blue Book" is as close as possible to the
published version [see Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and H, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979.
Copyright 1979 IUPAC.] If you need to cite these rules please quote this reference as their source.
Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact