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921.2 - Alternatively, for compoundsExamples to Rule C-921.1
921.3 - When one nitrogen atom of a hydrazine group forms part of a ring the compound is named as an amino derivative of the heterocycle.Examples to Rule C-921.2
(compare Rule C-911.1)
or 3,5'-Hydrazodi-(1-naphthalenesulfonic acid)
(compare Rule C-912.2)
(compare Rule C-911)
(compare Rule C-912)
921.4 - A group -NH-NH- attached to a single carbon atom is denoted by a prefix "hydrazi-" when another group having priority for citation as principal group is also present. See, however, Rule B-1.Example to Rule C-921.3
921.5 - Compounds formed by replacement of hydrogen of a hydrazine group by an acyl group, and their further substitution products, are named by one of the following methods: (a) If a substituent having priority for citation as principal group is also present, the compound is named as an acylhydrazino compound (compare Rule C-921.1); the nitrogen atom attached to the parent carrying the principal group has the locant N (unprimed) or 1. (b) If there is no substituent having priority for citation as principal group, the ending "ic acid" or "-oic acid" of the name of the acid is changed to "-ohydrazide"; or if the ending of the name of the acid is "-carboxylic acid", this is changed to "-carbohydrazide"; the nitrogen atom attached to the acyl group then has the locant N or 1'.Example to Rule C-921.4
921.6 - Salts of hydrazines are named as derivatives of hydrazinium(1+) or hydrazinium(2+), according to whether one or both nitrogen atoms bear a charge (see Rule 3.17 of I.U.P.A.C. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, 1970Examples to Rule C-921.5
921.7 - Acyclic polyhydrazines may be named by replacement nomenclature (see Subsection C-0.6).Examples to Rule C-921.6
See Recommendations'93 R-5.6.6, R- to Rule C-921.7
Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact