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A parent cation derived formally by the addition of one hydron
A cation derived formally by the addition of one or more hydrons to any position of a neutral parent hydride is described by replacing the final "e" of the parent hydride name, if any, by the suffix "-ium", or by adding the suffix "-ium", "-diium", etc., to the name of the parent hydride.Examples to R-5.8.2
Cations formally derived by the removal of one hydride ion,Examples to R-5.8.2
Cations formally derived by the loss of all the hydroxy groups as hydroxide ions from acid characteristic groups expressed by the suffix are named by replacing an "-ic acid" ending or suffix by "-ylium", or a "-carboxylic acid" suffix by "-carbonylium". Such cations may also be named by adding the class name "cation" as a separate word after the name of the acyl group.Examples to R-5.8.2
Prefix names for expressing monovalent monocationic parent cations as substituents with the free valence at the cationic site are formed by changing the "-ium" or "-onium" ending of the parent cation name to "-io" or "-onio", respectively.Examples to R-5.8.2
Prefixes for expressing substituent structural units containing cationic centres are derived systematically by adding the operational suffixes "-yl", "-ylidene", "-diyl", etc., together with appropriate locants, to the name of the parent cation.Examples to R-5.8.2
For replacement nomenclature, cationic replacement prefixes corresponding to "-onium" cations are formed, except for bismuth, by replacing the final "a" of the replacement prefix for the corresponding neutral heteroatom by "-onia", for example, "azonia-", "oxonia-", and "thionia-"; the cationic replacement prefix corresponding to bismuthonium is "bismuthonia-". Cationic replacement prefixes corresponding to "-ylium" cations are formed by replacing the final "e" of the name of the corresponding mononuclear parent hydride by "-ylia", for example, "azanylia" and "boranylia".Examples to R-5.8.2
Example to R-5.8.2
Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact