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Sulfur Acids and their Derivatives Containing Sulfur Directly Linked to an Organic Radical Rule C-642

642.1 - If an oxygen atom of a sulfonic or sulfinic acid group is replaced by a bivalent nitrogenous group, the ending sulfonic acid or sulfinic acid of the name of the acid is modified as follows (compare Rule C-451.1 and C-451.2), derivatives being named as customary for other acids:

Croup Modified ending
-S(OH)=NH -sulfinimidic acid
-S(O)(OH)=NH -sulfonimidic acid
-S(OH)=N-NH2 -sulfinohydrazonic acid
-S(O)(OH)=N-NH2 -sulfonohydrazonic acid
-S(OH)=NOH -sulfinohydroximic acid
-S(O)(OH)=NOH -sulfonohydroximic acid

Examples to Rule C-642.1

642.2 - (a) If both sulfonyl-oxygen atoms are replaced by the same nitrogenous group, the syllable "di" is placed immediately before the name prescribed for that group in the preceding rule.
(b) If the two nitrogenous groups are different, the ending for these groups is "hydrazonimidic", "-hydroximimidic", or "-hydrazonohydroximic", as appropriate.
(c) A letter "o" is inserted to separate two consonants on such endings (see Rule C-641.9).

Examples to Rule C-642.2

642.3 - If sulfur replaces oxygen in the acids named in Rules C-642.1 and C-642.2, a prefix "thio-" or "dithio-" is placed before the syllable "sulf", an O- or S- prefix being used if necessary.

Examples to Rule C-642.3

642.4 - Radicals derived by loss of a hydroxyl group from an acid named in the three preceding rules are named by changing the ending "-ic acid" of the name of the acid to "-oyl".

Examples to Rule C-642.4

(For the change of benzenesulfonimidoyl to phenylsulfonimidoyl see the Note to Rule C-631.1.)

See Recommendations'93 R-5.7.2, R-3.4

Sulfur Acids and Their Derivatives Containing Sulfur Directly Linked to an Organic Radical Rule C-643
Sulfur Acids and Their Derivatives in which Sulfur is Linked Only Through Oxygen to the Organic Radical Rule C-651
Sulfur Acids and Their Derivatives in which Sulfur is Linked Only Through Nitrogen or Through Nitrogen and Oxygen to the Organic Radical Rule C-661, Rule C-662
Sultones and Sultams Rule C-671


This HTML reproduction of Sections A, B and C of IUPAC "Blue Book" is as close as possible to the published version [see Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and H, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979. Copyright 1979 IUPAC.] If you need to cite these rules please quote this reference as their source.

Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact