Tracking Complex & Scattered Information Wastes Too Much Time
Compositional variation between batches can present quality assurance issues. However, tracking the necessary analytical data takes considerable time, and often requires searching across multiple spreadsheets and databases.

Multiple Batches of Input Materials
Supply requirements sometimes require multiple batches of input material. Slight variations in batches can result in a complex profile in the finished product. This makes it more difficult to find information relevant for decisions or regulatory submissions.

Analytical Data is Abstracted and Disconnected from Material Information
Supply chain material attributes, like date of synthesis, location, and lot number, are disconnected from the analytical data used to assess quality. Maintaining supply chain data integrity requires significant effort.

Spreadsheets Were Not Designed for Chemical Information Management
Programs such as Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are not intended to manage chemical and analytical data. Juggling spreadsheets for multiple manufacturing sites is inefficient and can lead to errors.
Relate the origin, disposition, and composition of every batch within a comprehensive family tree and identify all predecessors and successors for an individual batch. Visualize your entire supply chain from start to finish.
It’s not enough to have analytical data; you need to be able to find the right data and be confident it meets your needs. Quickly track origins and fate of each material or batch by using chemically intelligent search tools—no more time spent hunting down missing datasets.
Juggling Excel files and PDFs can be time-consuming and unreliable. Luminata offers a digital environment where all your analytical data is accessible and connected to process and batch information. Share your data with partner organizations without compromising data integrity.