Goals of the PSSM Team
Consistent and standardized data
Easily accessible and shareable data
More efficient workflows
The Challenge—Inefficient and Non-standardized Processing, Analysis, and Reporting of LC/UV/MS Data
Navigating the complexities of laboratories equipped with various instruments and diverse software packages is a common challenge in R&D organizations. Like many others, the team of process chemists in Pfizer’s Pharmaceutical Sciences Small Molecule (PSSM) team faced this challenge. They had a variety of instruments (some over 20 years old) and processed their LC/UV/MS data using multiple software packages. This resulted in:
- Scientists having to learn multiple applications with different interfaces
- Data is not standardized
- Data is not stored with its chemical context (metadata, structures, etc.)
Implementing a More Efficient LC/UV/MS Workflow
Due to the existing instruments’ age and the desire for consistency in data, the team transitioned to Agilent instruments. To prevent incurring additional capital expenses for new software and given the team’s satisfaction with the current software routinely used, efforts were made to ensure the compatibility of the new instrument with the existing Spectrus Processor software.
After the instrument change, additional criteria were set to enhance efficiency within their current workflow. To effectively meet these requirements, as well as the data management and workflow goals of the PSSM team, a different workflow using MS Workbook Suite was introduced. Built on the Spectrus platform, the additional tools in MS Workbook Suite allowed for semi-automated processing, analysis, customized reporting of LC/UV/MS data, and databasing capabilities.
Following the implementation of the MS Workbook Suite workflow, the PSSM team at Pfizer has reported:
Time Savings
Data processing time has been reduced by over 50%
Ease of Use
Processing and reporting can be achieved with a minimal number of clicks
Increased Productivity
Process chemists can manage more projects
Data Accuracy
More consistent and accurate results have been achieved
The MS Workbook Suite workflow has provided transformative results for the PSSM chemists’ data processing—boosting efficiency and accuracy. Automation of the workflow reduces repetitive work by pulling relevant files directly from the instrument and running pre-processing and processing steps—significantly reducing the scientist’s relative time burden, freeing up valuable chemist time, and increasing the team’s productivity.
Future Scope
Currently, there are 3 or 4 regular users, with plans to get their team of 20 trained to use it. Eventually, the team plans to incorporate the databasing capabilities of the software to store their data and results in a centralized database. Seeing the significant reduction in the time taken for data analysis using the semi-automated workflow, Pfizer is considering plans for full automation of the workflow, globally.