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The role and importance of the identification of natural products are discussed in the perspective of the study of secondary metabolites. The rapid identification of already reported compounds, or structural dereplication, is recognized as a key element in natural product chemistry. The biological taxonomy of metabolite producing organisms, the knowledge of metabolite molecular structures, and...

Le choix d’une méthode de séparation constitue une étape essentielle dans la mise au point de toute analyse par Chromatographie . Le fait, pour le chromatographiste, de disposer aujourd’hui d’un vaste éventail de méthodes et, à l’intérieur de celles-ci, d’une large gamme de phases stationnaires, ne simplifie pas ce choix, alors même qu’il présente, par...

The wealth of analytical information that is generated every day in R&D organizations can provide rich insights, even months after the initial acquisition of data. With this increase in data, however, comes a significant challenge to combine, organize, access, visualize, and mine these informational repositories. In addition to the challenges of the growing volume and...

Se você está envolvido no Desenvolvimento de Novos Fármacos, este Webinar é para você. O desenvolvimento de processos farmacêuticos envolve grupos multidisciplinares de químicos e analistas cujo objetivo é produzir Ingrediente(s) Farmacêutico(s) Ativo(s) – IFAs de acordo com a rota mais econômica e eficiente, garantindo a segurança do produto por meio de medidas eficazes de...