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While the world of R&D is moving towards digitalization, the unique challenges of analytical data management continue to cause difficulties. In our 2022 Analytical data management survey we learned and confirmed that… Analytical data is diverse with multiple techniques, instrument vendors, and software It is stored and managed in many applications The majority still find...

The immense amount of analytical information generated daily puts analytical data management at the core of every R&D organization. Combining, organizing, accessing, and mining all this scattered and disparate data is a huge challenge faced by scientists every single day. To overcome this challenge, a leading international tobacco company decided they needed to make their...

What does digitalization mean when it comes to analytical data? Who does it help? How does it enable automation, AI, and machine learning? Feel like you have more chemical data digitalization questions than answers? Our team of experts at ACD/Labs is ready to assist with your digitalization, automation, and innovation goals. Richard Lee joins us...

How ACD/Labs Simplifies GC/MS & LC/UV/MS Project Management Modern mass spectrometrists are expected to detect and identify components with greater efficiency, despite increasing sample complexity and shrinking analytical group sizes. Mass spectrometrists require advanced informatics solutions that offer comprehensive coverage of MS analysis, interpretation, and reporting functions. Learn how ACD/Labs’ software strategies benefit mass spectrometrists...

The structure of a new isolate, ominoxanthone, could not be solved from the interpretation of the usual set of 1D/2D NMR data, so a Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) workflow (Structure Elucidator Suite) was used to rank the different possible structure candidates consistent with the scarce spectroscopic data.

ACD/Labs prides itself in offering our users vendor-neutral tools that allow them to use our software with almost any analytical instrument. For us, that means we need to work closely with many partner organizations to ensure we are compatible with the latest data formats. In this episode, we are talking with Graham McGibbon to learn...

Forced degradation is a crucial aspect of pharmaceutical development, which helps to understand the stability of the drug substance and product. These studies often involve teams working across multiple locations and handling vast amounts of data, which can be challenging to manage and share. This can lead to scientists spending more time on data handling...