How Data Management is Enhancing Pharmaceutical Development

Process chemists are responsible for developing a synthetic method that efficiently synthesizes a drug substance while avoiding the formation of process impurities. However, many process chemists do not have software designed to meet their needs and must use a patchwork of tools to manage their experimental results. Information is spread across many systems, which leads to considerable time spent managing data.

This eBook explores how process chemists can increase their efficiency with the support of Luminata, which allows research teams to access process, analytical, and chemical data from across their organization. The software also offers tools designed to accelerate process chemistry tasks, such as parameter mapping, preparing process control justification (PCJ) reports, and sharing experimental data between teams.

AbbVie is an example of a pharmaceutical company that has experienced considerable efficiency gains with the help of Luminata. An internal study assessed the time needed to manage data when completing an experiment using a laboratory reactor. A Luminata-based workflow could reduce the data management time by 84%, leading to hundreds of hours saved per step in a synthetic process.