Auto-assign predicted structure fragments to mass spectral peaks, and see the assigned fragments on your mass spectra.

Assemble database search results for a given component, and further trim this catalog via elemental composition and structure include/exclude lists.

Store your results in a searchable database so you can always find all relevant information.

Extract components from a Total Ion Chromatogram and search for candidate structures by mass.

Auto-assign predicted structure fragments to mass spectral peaks, and see the assigned fragments on your mass spectra.

Assemble database search results for a given component, and further trim this catalog via elemental composition and structure include/exclude lists.

Store your results in a searchable database so you can always find all relevant information.

Extract components from a Total Ion Chromatogram and search for candidate structures by mass.

Auto-assign predicted structure fragments to mass spectral peaks, and see the assigned fragments on your mass spectra.