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Note: As exceptions, the names "amide" and "imide" for the anions and , respectively, are retained.Examples to R-5.8.3
An anion formally derived by the addition of a hydride ion, to a parent hydride may be named by replacing the final "e" of the name of the parent hydride, if present, by the suffix "-uide".
An anion formed by the loss of the hydrogen atom as a hydron from the chalcogen atom of an acid characteristic group or functional parent compound is named by replacing the "-ic acid" or "-ous acid" ending of the acid name by "-ate", or "-ite", respectively.Example to R-5.8.3
An anion formed by the loss of the hydrogen atom as a hydron from the chalcogen atom of a hydroxy characteristic group, or a chalcogen analogue, that can be expressed as a suffix such as "-ol", "-thiol", etc., is named by adding the suffix "-ate" to the appropriate suffix. When the corresponding group has a contracted name, for example, methoxy (see R-9.1, Table 26(b)), the anion name may be formed by changing the ending "methoxy" to "methoxide".Examples to R-5.8.3
Prefixes for expressing anionic centres derived from acid characteristic groups are named by changing the "-ic acid" ending of the acid suffix or of the parent mononuclear acid name to "-ato".Examples to R-5.8.3
Prefixes for expressing anionic chalcogen atoms or chains may be derived by replacing the final "e" of the name of the anion by "o".Examples to R-5.8.3
Prefixes for expressing substituent structural units containing anionic centres are derived systematically by replacing the final "e" of the name of the parent anion with an operational suffix "-yl" or "-ylidene", or by adding an operational suffix such as "-diyl" to the name of the parent anion.Example to R-5.8.3
For replacement nomenclature, anionic replacement prefixes are derived by replacing the final "e" of the name of the mononuclear parent hydride (see R-2.1) by the operational suffix "-ida" for anions correspondig to "-ide" and "-uida" for anions corresponding to "-uide".Examples to R-5.8.3
Examples to R-5.8.3
Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact