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Groups Containing More than One Nitrogen Atom
C-9.1. Azo and Azoxy Compounds 
Except for certain simple cases where simplification of names is achieved, azo compounds may be named by either of two methods. In an older method (Rule C-911) the components
R linked by the azo groups are named as molecules RH, each cited with its own substituents, and the resultant partial names are joined together by the designation "azo" (for the group -N=N-) and the
locants of this group.
In the Chemical Abstracts method (Rule C-912) two principles apply: (a) one component is chosen as parent which is regarded as substituted by RN=N-, this group R being
named as a radical; or (b) the nomenclature is that for assemblies of identical units (see Subsection C-0.7), with "azo" as a bivalent linking group.
The older method was designed to display the separate components in a complete, often complex structure. The Chemical Abstracts method gives prominence to the principal group.
See Recommendations'93 R-5.3.3
- Next:
Azo and Azoxy Compounds C-911, C-912, C-913
Hydrazines and Their Derivatives C-921, C-922, C-923
Diazonium and Ralated Groups C-931
Groups Containing Three or More Contiguous Nitrogen Atoms C-941, C-942
Compounds Containing a N=C-N or N=C=N Group C-951, C-952, C-953, C-954, C-955, C-956
Compounds Containing a N-C(-N)=N Group C-961, C-962
Compounds Containing a N-CO-N or Related Group C-971, C-972, C-973, C-974, C-975
Compounds Containing a N-CO-N-N or More Complex Group C-981, C-982, C-983, C-984, C-985

This HTML reproduction of Sections A, B and C of IUPAC "Blue Book" is as close as possible to the
published version [see Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and H, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1979.
Copyright 1979 IUPAC.] If you need to cite these rules please quote this reference as their source.
Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact