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Note: In the latter type of nomenclature the groups and
are named as acyl radicals substituted into a molecule
, and thus names of the type phenylsulfonyl, phenylsulfinyl, etc., are used. However, in radicofunctional nomenclature names of the type benzenesulfonyl, benzenesulfinyl,
etc., are used (see Rule C-641.7; and compare Rule C-543.3). This difference parallels that for cyclohexanecarbonyl and cyclohexylcarbonyl (see Note to Rule
C-403.2) and it applies also to derived radicals such as benzenesulfonimidoyl or phenylsulfonimidoyl, etc. (Rule C-642.4).
631.2 - The prefixes "sulfinyl-" and "sulfonyl-" are used for the bivalent groups >SO and >SO2, respectively, in conjunction with the nomenclature of assemblies of identical units (see Subsection C-0.7), when substituents are also present that have priority over these groups for citation as principal group.Examples to Rule C-631.1
631.3 - When an >SO or >SO2 group is incorporated in a ring the compound is named as an oxide.Examples to Rule C-631.2
See Recommendations'93 R-5.5.7Examples to Rule C-631.3
Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact