The Complexity of Scent and Flavor Chemistry
Flavors and fragrances are chemically complex. Whether you’re dereplicating natural product extracts or minimizing allergens and restricted substances, you need to:
Monitoring your products for quality assurance and tracking all associated analytical data
Tracking molecular composition through your research and manufacturing processes
Finding new scent and flavor compounds by mixture dereplication and structural elucidation
Protecting your intellectual property through patents
Process all the analytical data needed to assure product quality. Whether you use GC, LC, MS, IR, or another technique, you can use a single interface to analyze your data and connect it to its experimental context.
Work with our professional teams to build automated workflows that fit your equipment. We collaborated with a fragrance manufacturer to build an automated quality control system that tracked samples through their manufacturing processes.
Identify and monitor extracts. Characterize the chemical components of mixtures and build in-house libraries of compounds and spectra.
Trace impurities through research and production. We help you assemble synthetic, batch, and analytical data, so you can be sure of the provenance and composition of all your products.
Deconvolute new mixtures and elucidate the structures of novel compounds. Discover and identify previously unknown components to design better products.
Product Recommendations
Protect your intellectual property with drawing and nomenclature software that helps you submit the right content for patents and publications.