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Under certain circumstances it is necessary to indicate in the name of a ring, or ring system, containing the maximum number of noncumulative double bonds, one or more positions where no multiple bond is attached. This is done by specifying the presence of an "extra" hydrogen atom at such positions by citation of the appropriate numerical locant followed by an italicized capital H.
In the above example, the "indicated hydrogen" locates two hydrogen atoms at position 3 (an "extra" hydrogen over the number present if there were a double bond in the ring at that position), thus specifying a particular pyrrole tautomer, as illustrated. Indicated hydrogen of this type normally precedes the name of a parent hydride.Example to R-1.3
A second type of indicated hydrogen (sometimes referred to as "added hydrogen") describes hydrogen atoms added to a specified structure as a consequence of the addition of a suffix or a prefix describing a structural modification. This type of indicated hydrogen is normally cited in parentheses after the locant of the additional structural feature.
The detailed procedures for using indicated hydrogen, including differences in approach used in index nomenclature by Chemical Abstracts Service and in Beilstein, will be described in a separate publication.Example to R-1.3
Published with permission of the IUPAC by Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,, +1(416)368-3435 tel, +1(416)368-5596 fax. For comments or suggestions please contact